Viewing the Details Panel

The Details Panel on the right hand side of the page is used to display the associated data of an element that has been selected in the Menu on the left. You can then alter any data for the element.


Each element has a different amount of associated data that can be added or changed depending on what Type it is. There are three types of nodes, these being:

  • Root Element
  • Group
  • Property

Click on the element in the Menu to view its Details.

Root Element

Root Elements are the top level on the Menu. They cannot be added, edited or deleted because these are what Triaster use to define what type of property the values are grouped in. They have only a Display Name.

Root Element details


Groups are always children of a Root Element. They are used to define groupings of properties and in the Properties Window will be the header to each section.

Their mandatory Details are Type (=Group), Name and Display Name.

Group details


A Property is the field that an Author can add a value to. They can either be children of a Root Element or a Group.

Their mandatory details are Type (=Property), Name, Display Name, Row Type and Visio Data Type.

If the Row Type is Pick List, then the Row Values will be mandatory.