Off-Page Connectors Tab
These are the options for Off-Page Connectors.

Process Navigator Options: Off-Page Connectors tab
Any changes to this option will only affect Off-page Connectors in this Map Control Console.
It will not affect the maps published in the Triaster Server, unless the changes are made in the Map Control Console on the Publication Server.
Off-Page Connector Style
The first section of this tab defines the style of Off-Page Connectors:
- Multiple Off-Page Connectors
Places multiple Off-Page Connectors on a Deliverable, each one having a single hyperlink.
There is a limit of eight Input and eight Output Off-Page Connectors per Deliverable, due to the size of the Deliverable shape.
- Single Off-Page Connector with multiple hyperlinks
Places a single Off-Page Connector on the Deliverable which can have multiple hyperlinks.
The number in the Off-Page Connector gives the number of hyperlinks to other pages.
Can be used where there are more than eight links.
Level Matching
There are two options that control the way Off-Page Connectors link to Deliverables on other levels:
- Enforce level matching
By default, Off-Page Connectors link along process levels (e.g. an output Deliverable on a Level 2 map will only link through to another Input Deliverable on a Level 2 Map).
However, on occasion you may decide that you would like to link between process levels so you would deselect this option.
- Link to Top Level Only
An Off-Page Connector is only added that points to the top level Deliverable (see How is Top Level Defined? below).
Off-Page Connectors that would normally be added pointing to Deliverables at other levels no longer appear (even if they are on the same level as the source Deliverable).
This setting is applied last: if at that point the Deliverable has a direct parent of the same name, then the Off-Page Connector is not added.
If Enforce Level Matching is also enabled, only the top level is linked.
If you want to link from, for example, Level 3 to the Top Level, then Enforce Level Matching must be off.
Off-Page Connector Link Criteria
There are three Off-Page Connector Link criteria:
- Match on Deliverable name only
This is the default option. Off-Page Connectors are only added when the text of Input or Output Deliverables is the same.
Names are space sensitive but not case sensitive.
- Match on Deliverable Off-Page Link Reference property only
Process Navigator checks for the existence of an alternative Deliverable property (Off-Page Link Reference)
and uses the value of the property in the matching algorithm instead of the Deliverables’ text.
This is typically used in the multi-lingual environments or where it is difficult to gain a common, shared naming scheme for Deliverables.
Please refer to Refresh Off-Page Connectors.
- Match on both Deliverable name and Off-Page Link Reference property
Uses both criteria: Off-Page Connectors are added based firstly on Deliverable name and, if that is not available, then on the Link Reference property.
How is Top Level Defined?
Top Level is defined as the most senior ancestor in a chain of parents sharing the same name and not excluded from being the target of an Off-Page Connector
because of its own connectivity.
For example, in the case of A1 > D1 > A2, with a drill-down on A1 and A2, then the 2 children of D1 would have Off-Page Connectors to each other
(because their parent cannot be the subject of an Off-Page Connector because it is already connected).
If a Deliverable has a parent of the same name, a grandparent of a different name, and a great-grandparent of the same name,
then the Off-Page Connector is added to both the parent and the great-grandparent but not the grandparent (as this breaks the Name matching rule).
Non-Paired OPCs
The effect of the Link to Top Level Only feature is that Off-Page Connectors no longer necessarily occur in forward and backward pairs.
For example, a map on Level 3 may link forward to a map on Level 1.
Clearly, the map on Level 1 will not link back to the map on Level 3 if the Level 3 map has parent Deliverables of the same name.
It will most likely only link to the corresponding Level 1 map.