Rollback Tab

Process Navigator Options: Rollback tab

What is Rollback?

Prior to performing an operation, all maps are copied into the Rollback folder. The folder is time stamped and a descriptive label file is stored in the folder. Process Navigator then performs the operation. At the end, if a file has not changed during the operation, its Rollback counterpart is deleted, otherwise it is kept. Whenever an operation is cancelled the Rollback is performed automatically. Furthermore, at any point, files can be recovered from the Rollback folder: this is a simple overwrite operation. Rollback is enabled by default, but can be disabled on this tab.

NOTE: This feature is for Library Administrators and Authors and should not be enabled on Process Navigator located on the server.

The following commands/operations are supported by rollback:

  • Edit > Replace Hyperlink
  • Edit > Replace Data
  • Edit > Replace Shape
  • Multi-Map > Refresh Off-Page Connectors
  • Multi-Map > Delete Off-Page Connectors
  • Multi-Map > Refresh Levels
  • Multi-Map > Import > Generate Maps from an XML Catalogue
  • Multi-Map > Import > Generate Maps from Excel Files
  • Data Manager > Synchronise
  • Data Manager > Synchronise All Data Managers

NOTE: Unless the files have been deleted, you can also ‘recover’ one or more files from the Rollback folder, using copy and paste techniques.


  • Enable Automated Rollback on Cancel
    Automated rollback is enabled by default. Clear this check box if you prefer to restore rollback files manually using copy and paste techniques. Note that rollback sets are deleted after the specified number of days.
  • Rollback Sets
    Choose how Process Manager manages rollback files with automated rollback enabled:
    • Delete on Completion
      By default, rollback files are deleted after the successful completion of one of the supported operations. Select Prune and Keep to retain rollback copies.
    • Prune and Keep
      Select this option if you want to keep rollback files after the successful completion of a supported operation. Select Delete on Completion to allow Process Navigator to delete rollback files automatically after successful operations.
  • Delete Rollback Sets after n days
    Process Navigator keeps each rollback set for the specified number of days before deletion. If you have selected Enable Automated Rollback on Cancel you also have the option to delete rollback sets automatically after the successful completion of supported commands.
  • Location
    Location used to store information allowing the reversion of process maps when an action (for example, Generate Maps from Excel, Shape Replace) has been performed erroneously or cancelled before completion.