
Absolute Hyperlink A hyperlink that always links to the same target location irrespective of where the link is called from - See also Relative Hyperlink.
Activity The word Activity and Process are interchangeable and represent the same thing. An Activity is something you do; it is best described using a verb. An Activity is a transformation; it transforms its Inputs to its Outputs. See also Task.
Activity Hierarchy The hierarchy formed when an Activity is broken down into sub-activities and these are in turn further broken down into sub-activities. See also Parent Activity and Child Activity.
Back Button A hyperlink circle automatically placed on the bottom left-hand corner of the Node when using Drill-Down and Generate Next Level functionality. Enables navigation up to top level process maps.
Bookmark A placeholder of a particular page or passage within a document.
Child Activity With reference to an Activity, a child Activity is any one of its sub-activities. See also Activity Hierarchy, Sub-activity and Parent Activity.
Child Deliverable In a multi-level process map, a child Deliverable is an Input or Output that was created because there is a corresponding Input or Output on the level above.
Configure To set options in a software package, for example the location of stored files, that become defaults for that package thereafter.
Cross-File Drill-Down The ability to drill down from Deliverables or Activities to content anywhere on the Internet, intranet, or a local file system.
Customer A person who uses your Outputs as their Inputs. See also Customer Activity and Supplier.
Customer Activity An Activity that takes your Outputs as its Inputs. See also Customer and Supplier.
Deliverable A Deliverable is an Input or an Output. A Deliverable is so called because an Output is something 'delivered' to the next Activity in the process. Similarly, an Input was 'delivered' to you from a previous Activity in the process. See also Input and Output.
Document Stencil When you start a drawing, Microsoft Visio creates a stencil specific to that drawing file, called the document stencil. Each time you drag a shape from a stencil, the shape's master is copied to the document stencil, and an instance of the master is created on the drawing page. Instances inherit formatting and other properties from master shapes on the document stencil. You cannot save the document stencil to use in other drawings; it is only a component of the active drawing.
Drill-Down Action of double-clicking a shape that triggers an automatic hyperlink to another map or content on an intranet, Internet or local file system. Process Navigator's default drill-down behaviour will drill down to a page within the current file.
External Deliverable A Deliverable that is used or produced by an Activity that falls outside the scope of the overall process map. See also Deliverable and Internal Deliverable.
Flowchart A diagram that documents a process at a procedural level.
Functionality A collective term representing the features of a software package, typically accessed through menu selection, toolbar clicks and right-mouse clicks, that allow you to perform a task.
HTML The computer language used to define the content and appearance of Web pages. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.
HyperText Markup Language See HTML.
Input An Input is something you use in order to carry out an Activity. It is best described using a noun. Also see Deliverable.
Interface The point at which work passes from one organisational unit to another.
Internal Deliverable A Deliverable that is used or produced by an Activity that falls within the scope of the overall process map. See also Deliverable and External Deliverable.
Level Map level refers to the map hierarchy. When a map is created initially, it is mapped at a base level. When you drill down on an Activity within that map, you drill down to another level below the base level. When you generate the next level, you have created another level above the base level.
Meta data A descriptive characteristic about something. Right-click properties within Process Navigator enables you to insert meta data about a shape.
Multi-level Process Map The process map created when an Activity is broken down into sub-activities (by drilling-down on the Activity). By convention, the levels of the map are usually numbered from 0 at the highest level through 1, 2, 3, . at each newly created lower level. A typical process map will have fewer than six levels, six levels generally being sufficient to capture the detail required to fully specify a process. See also Activity Hierarchy.
Multi-Map Root The location where Process Navigator will look for maps. If the maps are located outside the Multi-Map Root, then Process Navigator will not be able to access the maps.
Off-Page Connector An Off-Page Connector is a device for overcoming the practical limitation of page sizes. In effect, it enables you to produce a logical, large 'piece of paper' containing a single end-to-end process map with all the Deliverables linked directly to each other.
Orphan Deliverable A Child Deliverable for which the Parent Deliverable has been deleted, or the Parent Deliverable's connection to the Parent Activity removed. See also Child Deliverable and Parent Deliverable.
Output An Output is something you produce as a result of carrying out an Activity. It is best described using a noun. Also see Deliverable.
Parent Activity With reference to a Child Activity, the Parent Activity is the Activity of which this Child is a part. See also Activity Hierarchy, Child Activity and Multi-level Process Map.
Parent Deliverable With reference to a Child Deliverable, the Parent Deliverable is the Deliverable in the level above that caused the Child Deliverable to be created. See also Child Deliverable, Activity Hierarchy and Multi-level Process Map.
Process A process is a transformation. It transforms its Inputs to its Outputs. A process is the mechanism by which raw materials are converted into more valuable items.
Process Map A process map is a diagram that clearly identifies the main steps involved in completing a process, and the items used and produced when the process is complete.
Relative Hyperlink A hyperlink that links to a different location dependent on where the link is called from. See also Absolute Hyperlink.
ShapeSheet A spreadsheet where information about a shape is stored. This spreadsheet contains information such as height, width, angle, colour, and other attributes that determine the shape's appearance and behaviour.
Stencil The area in which all shapes are held.
Sub-activity Any Activity can be broken down into smaller steps, or sub-activities, that give a more detailed view on how an Activity is carried out. See also Activity and Child Activity.
Sub-process See Sub-activity.
Supplier A person who produces the Inputs you use to perform your Activities. See also Customer and Supplier Activity.
Supplier Activity An Activity that produces the Inputs you use to perform your Activities. See also Supplier and Customer.
Task A type of Activity that is generally too quick to perform or too obvious to consider documenting in a process map format. Examples of tasks might be, 'log on', 'sign the cheque', 'send the e-mail'. See also Activity.
Template A template contains a set of stencils, page orientation and page size.
Versioning Automatically storing copies of files, and marking them in such a way as to be able to track back through changes made to those files.
Workarounds The action a person must take to continue to use a software feature when a bug prevents the feature from working in the expected fashion.
XML Extensible Markup Language. Used to allow for the easy interchange of documents on the World Wide Web.
XML Catalogue File Using the menu option Process Navigator XML Catalogue will build an XML file that lists the map properties of each of the loaded maps in a flat format.
XML Hierarchy File Using the menu option Process Navigator XML Hierarchy will build an XML file that lists the map properties of each of the loaded maps in a hierarchical format.