Process Navigator XML Catalogue

Process Navigator can export the data captured within process maps for use in any XML-based application. However, please note that normally an XSL Transform will need to be written in order for this transfer to take place. Transforms are text files that convert XML from one structure to another, known as XSL Transforms or XSLT. We use a transform to convert data from process maps into a report format.

Triaster offers this service but also include some XSL transforms with the product. These transforms are located at C:\Program Files\Triaster\Process Navigator\Transforms\Catalogue Transforms.

Use the Process Navigator XML Catalogue command to build an XML file listing information about Activities, Deliverables, Nodes and all their properties.

To Export the XML Catalogue:

  1. Load the maps that you require in Process Navigator.
  2. Select Multi-Map > Export > Process Navigator XML Catalogue.
  3. Specify a location to save the file and give the file a name. Click Save.

Process Navigator loads the selected maps and creates the XML catalogue file.